Actor Vrushika Mehta has tied the knot with Saurabh Ghedia. Vrushika, who gained fame with her role in the popular show Dil Dostii Dance, announced the news on her Instagram handle, where she posted beautiful pictures and a video from her wedding ceremony. The couple had gotten engaged in December 2022.
Sharing the pictures, she wrote in the caption, “With the warmth of family, the laughter of friends, and blessings all around, we found our home in one another’s hearts. Saying ‘yes’ became a promise for a lifetime.” In the photos, the couple was seen all smiles.
Vrushika Mehta also shared a beautiful video in which she was seen walking towards the groom and the mandap. Vrushika was seen donning two outfits and the couple was also seen feeding each other sweets. Sharing the video, the actor wrote, “May the companionship with you last a lifetime, May it bring success in all endeavors.”
Shantanu Maheshwari took to the comment section of the post and wrote, “Bol toh deti… koi baat nahi.. Congratulations!!!” Vishal Singh commented, “Wowwwww congratulations.” Suyash Rai and Nyra Banerjee among others also congratulated the actor. Fans on the internet expressed excitement. One of the fans wrote, “Congratulations Vrushyyy!! All the blessing for this beautiful new beginning.” Another commented, “I really didn’t think that Vrushi was already married. congratulations.”
According to reports, Saurabh Ghedia is a software engineer based in Toronto, Canada.
Vrushika Mehta was also a part of shows like Aasman Se Aage, Satrangi Sasural and Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai.