The 9–1 rule is touted to be a simple but powerful principle that helps you achieve not only your fitness goals but also improve your habits to live a healthier and productive life.
*Walking at least 9,000 steps each day
*Drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day
*Getting 7–8 hours of sleep each night to improve your energy and mood.
*Meditating for at least 6 minutes each day to reduce stress, and improve focus
*Eating at least three servings of fruits and vegetables each day to get the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
*Take 4 rest breaks through the day to give your sensory organs some rest.
*Eating 3 main and short healthy meals each day to improve your energy levels and overall health.
*Leaving a 2-hour gap between dinner and bedtime.
*Picking one physical activity that you enjoy and doing it consistently.
Following the ‘9 to 1 Rule’ for keeping health in check is good! “But doing all of this consistently is the best way to build sustainable habits, rather than concentrating on the numbers,” said Saurabh Bothra, CEO, Habuild.
According to Bothra, our brains are naturally a fan of numbers! “It loves processing information that is presented quantitatively. That’s why I don’t doubt this amazing rule – it can work wonders. All you need to do is stick to it – but here’s where the problem lies,” he shared.
Productivity could also improve (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)
Sometimes, rigidly sticking to specific numbers or rules can become a source of stress rather than encouragement. “For example, if I were to follow the 9 to 1 Rule and miss the 9000 steps, 7 hours of sleep, or 6 minutes of meditation on a particular day, it would automatically create a sense of disappointment. Inability to stick to a goal can also make us criticise ourselves which will only harm our self-improvement journey,” Bothra highlighted.
While Bothra does believe that the core concept of this 9 to 1 Rule is incredible, with essentials like one should engage in at least 1 physical activity every day, and a 2 to 3-hour gap between your meal and bedtime is a must, he said that “not all concepts need to be strictly followed as fixed numbers”. “This is because all of us have different preferences, schedules, and needs. Although, there is one key to make these habits sustainable – adopting a flexible approach,” said Bothra.
For example:
> Instead of aiming for 9000 steps a day, try to incorporate more movement throughout your day.
> Rather than fixating on the number of glasses, keep your water bottle close and hydrate more often.
> Mindfulness and meditation need not be bound by time. Just keep a few minutes or an hour reserved for yourself where you can close your eyes and pause the thoughts amidst your chaotic routine.
> Listen to your body – it does talk! Reset and recharge with short breaks accordingly.
Regarding meals, rather than focusing on the number of servings per day, make it a habit to include colourful, local, or seasonal fruits and vegetables, and reduce the carb intake.
Learn to flexibly incorporate these concepts based on your lifestyle/schedule, and most importantly – be consistent!
“It’s not about hitting a certain number – it’s about making healthy living a habit that comes to you naturally. That’s when you take a step closer to a healthier and happier version of yourself. This rule could be your guide, but it’s not mandatory. Be patient and consistent – that’s the key,” Bothra urged.